Mastering Your Amazon Interview: Top Tips and Tricks for Landing the Job in 2024

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Practice, Interview, Offer

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3 Key Takeaways

• Align with Amazon’s Leadership Principles: Discover how to effectively incorporate Amazon’s Leadership Principles into your interview answers, showcasing your fit for the company’s unique culture.

• Ace Technical and Behavioral Questions: Learn strategies to excel in both technical assessments and behavioral interviews, ensuring you demonstrate your problem-solving skills and leadership qualities.

• Prepare with Real-World Scenarios: Understand the importance of practicing with real-world scenarios that mirror the challenges you’ll face at Amazon, helping you stand out as a well-prepared candidate.

Getting a job at Amazon is everyone’s joy or desire depending on the side of the coin you are looking at. Due to its innovative culture and its status as the world’s largest online retailer, Amazon provides an environment rich with new ideas and opportunities. Nevertheless, the interview procedure may be stressful. In this guide, you will find tips and advice that will help you win your Amazon interview and move a step closer to the desired position.

Understanding the Amazon Interview Process

Amazon Interview

To understand the Amazon interview process, you should first familiarise yourself with the questions, the types of questions that are usually asked, …

Thus, the nature of the Amazon interview is highly elaborate and consists of multiple stages that allow for evaluating both the technical competence as well as behavioral characteristics of the candidates. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

  1. Initial Phone Screen:
    • Usually, the screening process entails a recruitment officer reviewing your suitability for the position and your experience.
    • May consist of simple questions based on technical aspects or it may consist of one or more problems to be solved.
  2. Technical Phone Screen:
    • As mentioned before, this specific case was conducted by an employee of Amazon, an engineer.
    • Refers to the kind of problems that are related to coding and algorithms and sometimes solved using an online coding software.
  3. Onsite Interviews:
    • Normally includes 4-6 interview cycles with different people from the selected organization.
    • Information interviewing, revision interview, system engineering interview, computerized interview, and HR interview.
    • I was interviewed and when the interviewer realized that I did not have much experience with bar raiser, she proposed to me for the bar raiser interview which is conducted by a senior employee at Amazon and it’s basically to see whether you fit the standard Amazon recruiting process.
  4. Decision and Offer:
    • After the onsite interviews, the interviewers, analyze and maybe discuss your performance.
    • In case you are successful, then you are extended an offer with sometimes an extensive report on the assessment.

Amazon Leadership Principles

Amazon’s 16 Leadership Principles are core to its interview process. Amazon’s guiding principles guide decision-making and behavior within the company. Understanding and embodying these principles can significantly boost your chances of success.

Customer Obsession:

  • A good place to begin is the realization that a customer is the center of the universe in such programs.
  • Explain the ways you have ensured that customer requirements have been met in previous assignments.


  • Do your job and be accountable while at the same time being strategic.
  • A situation where you have exhibited ownership of a project.

Invent and Simplify:

  • They emphasize innovation in particular at Amazon.
  • Include situations where you implemented change through new ideas or through improving efficiency.

Are Right, A Lot:

  • Display proper decision-making skills.
  • Elaborate on some decisions you have taken which has had a positive spin-off effect.

Learn and Be Curious:

  • Amazon values continuous learning.
  • Emphasize that you value learning and are eager to develop yourself personally as well as professionally.

Hire and Develop the Best:

  • The management of Amazon aims to employ talents who are capable of acquiring and guiding talented people.
  • Discuss with examples how and in what capacity you have contributed towards the development of other people in the workplace.

Insist on the Highest Standards:

  • Make the standards high and always stick to them.
  • Give instances where you have had to be extraordinary to attain the extraordinary.

Think Big:

  • Amazon encourages bold ideas.
  • Discuss your ideas on how you have addressed the concepts and how you have acted on goals and ideas.

Bias for Action:

  • Speed matters in business.
  • Explain what times you have acted fast and what you did.


  • Accomplish more with less.
  • Explain how you have mobilized resources to obtain a high degree of performance.

Earn Trust:

  • One must win the trust by working hard and being honest in the operations of the business.
  • Include a few scenarios where you have worked on the establishment and sustenance of trust in the workplace with your teams.

Dive Deep:

  • There is nothing low and demeaning that you should not be able to manage; stay close to the processes.
  • Explain how the elements of the Attitude for Detail have resulted in positive outcomes.

Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit:

  • Only, challenge a decision where you deem it appropriate and learn how to do it with respect.
  • Explain periods in which you have advocated for your principles when people opposed them.

Deliver Results:

  • Concentrate on the most important resources impressed on the business and supply them with the required level of quality.
  • Emphasize your ability to deliver results for change.

Aspire to be the best employer in the world

  • Managers also have personal control of their organizations in a way that marks them as prejudice and discrimination-free organizations and would therefore be very diverse and equal. They are dedicated to an ongoing program of the optimization of the employee’s journey.

Embrace the Mission

  • Targeted at the managers, they remain much preoccupied with the achieved organizational goal of transforming Amazon into the Earth’s most customer-centric company that helps its clientele improve their lives.

Technical Amazon Interview Preparation

Technical Amazon interview is rigorous and focuses on assessing your problem-solving abilities, coding skills, and technical knowledge. Here’s how to prepare effectively:

  1. Key Topics to Study:
    • Data Structures: Arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees, graphs.
    • Algorithms: Sorting, searching, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, recursion.
    • System Design: Scalability, load balancing, caching, databases, distributed systems.
  2. Recommended Resources:
    • Books: “Cracking the Coding Interview” by Gayle Laakmann McDowell, “Elements of Programming Interviews” by Adnan Aziz.
    • Websites: LeetCode, HackerRank, GeeksforGeeks.
    • Courses: Online courses from Coursera, Udemy, or edX on data structures and algorithms.
  3. Practicing Coding Problems:
    • Regularly practice coding problems on platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank.
    • Time yourself to simulate the interview environment.
    • Focus on writing clean, efficient code and explaining your thought process clearly.

Behavioral Amazon Interview Preparation

Behavioral Amazon interview questions are designed to assess your compatibility with Amazon’s Leadership Principles and your ability to handle various work situations. Here’s how to prepare:

  1. Common Behavioral Questions:
    • “Tell me about a time you demonstrated customer obsession.”
    • “Describe a situation where you took ownership of a project.”
    • “Give an example of how you invented and simplified a process.”
  2. Using the Amazon STAR Method:
    • Situation: Describe the context within which you performed a task or faced a challenge.
    • Task: Explain the actual task you had to complete.
    • Action: Describe the specific actions you took to complete the task.
    • Result: Share the outcomes or results of your actions.
  3. Preparation Tips:
    • Reflect on your past experiences and identify situations that align with Amazon’s Leadership Principles.
    • Practice articulating your answers clearly and concisely.
    • Be honest and authentic in your responses.

System Design Amazon Interview Preparation

System design interviews evaluate your ability to design scalable and efficient systems. Here’s how to prepare:

  1. Key Concepts to Understand:
    • Scalability: How to design systems that can handle increased loads.
    • Load Balancing: Techniques to distribute traffic evenly across servers.
    • Caching: Methods to store frequently accessed data for quick retrieval.
    • Databases: Understanding of SQL and NoSQL databases and their use cases.
    • Distributed Systems: Principles of designing systems that run on multiple machines.
  2. Practicing System Design Questions:
    • Review common system design problems like designing a URL shortener, a social media platform, or an e-commerce site.
    • Practice drawing architecture diagrams and explaining your design decisions.
    • Study trade-offs between different design choices and how they impact scalability, performance, and cost.

Mock Interviews and Practice

Mock interviews are a crucial part of your preparation, allowing you to practice your responses and receive constructive feedback. Here’s how to make the most of them:

  1. Importance of Mock Interviews:
  2. Setting Up Mock Interviews:
    • Arrange mock interviews with peers, and mentors, or use online platforms.
    • Choose interviewers who can provide honest and detailed feedback.
  3. Online Platforms for Practice:
    • Use platforms like Pramp,,, or for structured mock interviews.
    • Participate in coding competitions and challenges on LeetCode and HackerRank.

Sample Questions and Answers (Amazon Interview)

Here are some sample questions and answers to help you prepare for Amazon Interview:

  1. Coding Question:
    • Question: Write a function to reverse a linked list.
    • Answer:

def reverse_linked_list(head):
prev = None
current = head
while current:
next_node = = prev
prev = current
current = next_node
return prev

  1. Amazon InterviewBehavioral Question:
    • Question: Tell me about a time you took ownership of a project.
    • Answer: “In my previous role, I noticed that our customer onboarding process was inefficient and causing delays. I took the initiative to analyze the workflow, identify bottlenecks, and propose a new system. I led a small team to implement the changes, which resulted in a 30% reduction in onboarding time and increased customer satisfaction.”
  2. System Design Question:
    • Question: Design a scalable URL shortener.
    • Answer: “To design a scalable URL shortener, I would use a distributed database like DynamoDB to store the mappings between long and short URLs. A hash function would generate unique short URLs. To handle high traffic, I would use load balancers and cache frequently accessed URLs using Redis. For analytics, I would implement logging and monitoring to track usage patterns and performance.”

Final Tips for Success in Amazon Interview

  1. General Tips for Amazon Interview Day:
    • Get a good night’s sleep before the interview.
    • Stay calm and composed.
    • Bring copies of your resume, a notebook, and a pen.
  2. Handling Unexpected Amazon Interview Questions:
    • Take a moment to think before responding.
    • If you don’t know the answer, be honest and explain how you would approach finding a solution.
  3. Follow-Up and Thank-You Emails:
    • Send a personalized thank-you email to each interviewer within 24 hours.
    • Mention specific points from your conversation and reiterate your enthusiasm for the role.


Mastering your Amazon interview requires thorough preparation, a deep understanding of the company’s Leadership Principles, and the ability to showcase your technical and behavioral competencies. By following these tips and strategies, you can increase your chances of making a great first impression in your Amazon interview and landing a job at Amazon. Good luck!

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