How to Prepare for a FAANG Software Engineering Job: From Mock Interviews to Technical Tips 2024

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Practice, Interview, Offer

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3 Key Takeaways

• Leverage Mock Interviews: Discover how practicing with mock interviews can help you refine your problem-solving skills, improve your coding efficiency, and boost your confidence before facing FAANG interviewers.

• Master Technical Concepts: Gain insights into the key technical skills and concepts you need to excel in FAANG software engineering interviews, including data structures, algorithms, and system design.

• Focus on Behavioral Skills: Learn the importance of preparing for behavioral questions and how to effectively demonstrate your problem-solving approach, teamwork, and leadership abilities to fit the FAANG culture.

Landing a software engineering job at a top tech company like Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, or Google (FAANG) is a big deal in the tech world. These companies have tough interviews that test you on many things, from your tech skills to how well you fit in with their culture. This guide will show you how to get ready for FAANG interviews step by step. It covers everything from mock interviews to tech tips.

How FAANG Interviews Work

interview warm up

Image Source: Pexels

What to Expect in a FAANG Interview

Tech Screening:

  • Format: done over the phone or video call.
  • Focus: This part checks your ability to solve problems and code through algorithm questions and technical talks.
  • Purpose: To gauge your basic coding skills and how you tackle problems.

On-Site Interviews:

  • Format: Several rounds including:
    • Coding Interviews: You’ll need to solve hard problems on a whiteboard or computer.
    • System Design Interviews: These look at how you design systems that can grow and work well.
    • Behavioral Interviews: They check if you’re a good fit for the company and assess your people skills.
  • Purpose: To test your tech skills, problem-solving, and how well you’d fit in.

Cultural Fit Assessment:

  • Format: Part of behavioral interviews.
  • Focus: Check how well you match the company’s values and workplace.
  • Purpose: To make sure you’ll get along with the team and fit into the company culture.

How to Get Ready for Everything

Nailing Your Coding Skills

Key Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Arrays and Strings:
    • Key Concepts: Handling putting in order, looking through.
    • Common Problems: Finding two numbers that add up the longest string without characters that repeat.
  • Linked Lists:
    • Types: Lists linked one way, two ways, and in a circle.
    • Key Operations: Adding taking out, turning around.
  • Stacks and Queues:
    • Uses: To figure out expressions, to plan tasks.
    • How to Make: With arrays or linked lists.
  • Trees and Graphs:
    • Tree Types: Trees with two branches, trees for searching with two branches, AVL trees, and trees that are red and black.
  • Graph Algorithms: BFS DFS shortest path (Dijkstra’s algorithm), minimum spanning tree (Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms).
  • Hash Tables:
    • Concepts: Hash functions ways to solve collisions.
    • Use Cases: To store and retrieve data, to index information.

Advanced Topics

  • Dynamic Programming:
    • Techniques: Memoization tabulation.
    • Common Problems: The knapsack problem longest common subsequence.
  • Greedy Algorithms:
    • Concepts: Choose the best option at each step.
    • Examples: Activity selection, Huffman coding.
  • Backtracking:
    • Concepts: Build solutions step by step and drop them if they fail.
    • Examples: N-queens problem, Sudoku solver.

Resources to Practice Coding

  • LeetCode: Has a huge selection of problems, practice interviews, and company-specific tests.
  • HackerRank: Gives you coding challenges and competitions to check your abilities.
  • CodeSignal: Includes timed coding exams and evaluations.

Books to Read

  • “Cracking the Coding Interview” by Gayle Laakmann McDowell: A thorough guide to coding interviews with clear explanations.
  • “Elements of Programming Interviews” by Adnan Aziz: Zeroes in on ways to solve problems and gives practical tips.
  • “Introduction to Algorithms” by Cormen et al.: A deep dive into algorithms and data structures.

Doing Great in System Design

Key Concepts

  • Scalability:
    • Concepts: Scaling up vs. scaling out.
    • Strategies: Splitting workload and dividing data.
  • Load Balancing:
    • Types: Taking turns picking the least busy, using IP addresses.
    • Tools: Nginx, HAProxy.
  • Caching:
    • Concepts: Storing in computer memory vs. spreading across machines.
    • Tools: Redis, Memcached.
  • Databases:
    • Relational (SQL): PostgreSQL MySQL. They focus on organizing data ensuring data stays correct.
    • Non-relational (NoSQL): MongoDB Cassandra. They focus on flexible data structures and data that might not match right away.

Practical System Design Examples

  • Design a URL Shortener:
    • Components: URL mapping unique ID generation, redirection service.
    • Considerations: Handle collisions, scale, and track users.
  • Design a Social Media Feed:
    • Components: User profiles, posts, feeds, notifications.
    • Considerations: Update in real time, store data, and retrieve data.

Resources for System Design

  • “Designing Data-Intensive Applications” by Martin Kleppmann: Looks into modern system design and ways to manage data.
  • System Design Primer on GitHub: A complete guide with real-world examples and tried-and-true methods.

Getting Ready for Behavioral Interviews

The STAR Approach

  • Situation: Paint a picture of the setting or background of your example.
  • Task: Spell out the challenge or duty you had to deal with.
  • Action: Break down the steps you took to tackle the situation.
  • Result: Talk about what happened because of what you did.

Typical Behavioral Questions

  • “Tell me about a time you had to get over a big hurdle.”
    • Focus: How you solve problems and bounce back.
  • “Give an example of when you had to work with a tricky teammate.”
    • Focus: How you work in teams and sort out conflicts.
  • “How do you deal with tight deadlines and high-stress situations?”
    • Focus: How you manage your time and handle pressure.

Mock interviews are there for behavioral interview questions also.

Tips to Prepare for Behavior Questions

  • Look Back at Past Jobs: Pick out key projects and situations that show off your skills and what you’ve achieved.
  • Get Better at Talking: Do practice mock interviews to fine-tune your answers and get better at expressing yourself.


Top 21 Interview Tips to Make a Great First Impression During Your Job Interview

Top Interview Skills to Get a Job in 2024

Practice Mock Interviews: Your Training Ground

Why Mock Interviews Matter

  • Real-Life Practice: You get used to the interview setting and stress.
  • Quick Feedback: You learn about your strong points and where you need to improve.

Mock interviews play a very crucial role in analyzing your weak and strong areas and later on, make strong areas stronger and weak areas strong.

Where to Do Mock Interviews

  • Pramp: Practice with other people and get detailed comments.
  • Try anonymous interviews with top tech company engineers.
  • LeetCode: Use their mock interviews tool to solve timed coding problems.
  • Use the real-time interview prep tool designed specifically for FAANG companies

How to Get the Most Out of Mock Interviews

  • Mimic Real Interviews: Train in an environment that matches the actual interview setting with the help of mock interviews.
  • Evaluate Your Performance: Look at feedback and spot patterns in what you do well and where you struggle with mock interviews.
  • Keep Getting Better: Always work to improve areas that need it, based on what you learn from practice mock interviews.

Making Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile Shine

Resume Advice

  • Showcase Your Wins: Focus on how you made a difference and what you brought to the table, not just your daily tasks.
  • Use Numbers: Put figures to your accomplishments to show clear results.
  • Make It Fit the Job: Adjust your resume to match what the job posting asks for and needs.

LinkedIn Advice

  • Keep Your Profile Current: Make sure your profile shows your newest accomplishments and abilities.
  • Get Involved in the Community: Take part in relevant talks and link up with professionals in your field.

Handling Stress and Keeping Motivated

Ways to Handle Stress

  • Mindfulness and Relaxation: Things like meditation can help you manage worry.
  • Physical Activity: Working out can boost your focus and lower stress.
  • Enough Sleep: Make sure you’re well-rested before interviews to do your best.

Keeping Motivated

  • Set Clear Goals: Figure out what you want to do and keep an eye on your progress.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Notice and cheer for your accomplishments as you go.
  • Stay Positive: Keep your chin up and remind yourself what you’re good at and what you can do.


Getting ready for a FAANG software engineering job involves many steps and needs hard work, planning, and sticking with it. When you nail down key coding skills get great at system design, prepare well for questions about how you work, and practice with mock interviews, you set yourself up to succeed.

Keep in mind, that every part of your prep—coding skills, system design cultural fit, and mock interviews practice—plays a key role. If you stick to this step-by-step plan and keep tweaking your strategy, you’ll be ready to face the tough FAANG interview process and get closer to scoring your ideal job.

Stay pumped, put in the work, and walk into each interview feeling sure of yourself. With solid preparation, you’re not just trying to get through the interview—you’re setting yourself up to excel and make your mark at one of the world’s top tech giants.

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