Amazon Software Developer Interview Questions: Your Complete Prep Guide in 2024

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3 Key Takeaways

• Technical Core Focus: Prepare for Amazon Software Developer interview questions by mastering key areas like data structures, algorithms, object-oriented programming, and system design, which are frequently tested.

• Behavioral and Leadership Principles: Understand how to answer behavioral questions by aligning your responses with Amazon’s Leadership Principles, demonstrating your ability to innovate, take ownership, and deliver results.

• Real-World Problem-Solving: Learn how to approach complex, real-world problem-solving scenarios that may be presented during the Amazon software developer interview questions, showcasing your ability to design scalable, efficient solutions.

Amazon’s Software Developer interview process is tough. It aims to find candidates who excel in technical skills and match Amazon’s Leadership Principles. This guide covers the most common Amazon software developer interview questions how to prepare, and tips for success.

How Amazon’s Interview Process Works

Amazon’s interview process has several stages:

  • Online Assessment: Often the first step, with coding challenges and questions about your behavior.
  • Phone Screen: A technical interview focusing on data structures, algorithms, and sometimes system design.
  • Onsite Interviews: Several rounds of interviews to test your technical skills, problem-solving, and cultural fit.

How to Prepare:

  • Get to know the Amazon Leadership Principles, as they have a big impact on the interview process.
  • Use sites like LeetCode to practice coding challenges.

Find out more about Amazon’s interview process.

Get ready with our guide on coding challenges at Amazon.

Amazon Software developer interview questions

Common Technical Amazon Software Developer Interview Questions

Amazon software developer interview questions (technical) aim to evaluate your coding skills knowledge of data structures, and ability to solve problems.

Key Areas to Prepare:

  • Data Structures & Algorithms: You need to master arrays linked lists, trees, and graphs.
    • Example Question: “How would you reverse a linked list?”
    • Preparation Tip: Build these structures from scratch and learn their time and space complexities.
  • System Design: Senior role interviews include questions to test your skill in creating scalable and efficient systems.
    • Example Question: “Design an e-commerce platform like Amazon.”
    • Preparation Tip: Learn about distributed systems, microservices, and database design.

Gain insights into Amazon’s technical questions.

Get ready with these coding exercises.

Behavioral Amazon Software Developer Interview Questions

Amazon software developer interview questions (Behavioral) are structured around its Leadership Principles. You’ll need to show how you’ve put these principles to work in your previous jobs.

Example Questions:

Here’s a rephrased version of the text:

  • “Give me an example of a time you didn’t agree with a teammate. How did you deal with it?”
    • Tip to Prepare: Break down your answers using STAR (Situation, Task, Action Result).

Get ready better with these Amazon behavior-based questions.

Amazon Software Developer Interview Questions About System Design in Interviews

Amazon software developer interview questions about system design for higher-level jobs. You’ll need to create systems that can grow thinking about both tech and business needs.

Key Ideas to Know:

  • Scalability and Performance: Master load balancing, caching, and optimizing databases.
  • Data Storage Solutions: Pick the right databases (SQL vs. NoSQL) and storage techniques.
  • Security Considerations: Apply security best practices to keep data safe.

Learn more about system design interviews.

Coding Challenges and Pair Programming

Some Amazon interviews might ask you to fix coding problems live with the interviewer. This checks your coding skills and how well you team up.

Example Exercise:

  • “Create a function that finds cycles in a graph.”
    • Preparation Tip: Team up with friends for coding practice or use online tools to mimic pair programming.

Get ready for Amazon’s coding tests.

Preparation Resources

Using the right study materials can help you do well in Amazon’s interview.

Top Resources:

  • Interview Sidekick: Custom mock interviews that mirror Amazon’s interview approach.
  • LeetCode: Huge collection of coding challenges to boost your abilities.

Improve your mock interview sessions with Interview Sidekick’s materials.

Post-Interview Strategy

After the interview, you need to make a strong final impression.

  • Thank You Note: Email your interviewers to thank them. Mention specific topics you talked about and express your continued interest in the job.
  • Look Back and Get Better: Think about how you did and find ways to improve.

Check out what to do after an interview.

To Wrap Up

To ace Amazon’s software development interview, you need to prepare well. This means brushing up on your tech skills getting better at solving problems, and learning about Amazon’s Leadership Principles. If you follow this guide, you’ll be ready to face each part of the interview with confidence.


This guide, along with the right resources, will help you stand out as a strong candidate for software development jobs at Amazon. Best of luck!

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