Unlocking Success: Amazon Job Interview Questions You Need to Know 2024

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3 Key Takeaways

• Key Questions to Expect: Familiarize yourself with the most critical Amazon interview questions for 2024, covering both technical and behavioral aspects that you’re likely to encounter.

• Align with Amazon’s Culture: Learn how to answer questions in a way that reflects Amazon’s Leadership Principles, demonstrating your cultural fit and alignment with the company’s values.

• Strategic Preparation Tips: Discover effective strategies to prepare for your Amazon interview, including practicing common scenarios, refining your technical skills, and using the STAR method for behavioral questions.

Getting a job at Amazon is something many people want. Amazon has a tough interview process. They look for people who are good at their job and also fit with Amazon’s leadership ideas. We looked at the best info out there and made a full guide to the Amazon job interview questions often asked. Let’s get into it!

How Amazon’s Interview Process Works

Amazon Job Interview Questions

Before we talk about the Amazon job interview questions, you need to know how Amazon’s interview process is set up:

  1. Online Application
  2. First Phone Call
  3. Skills Test (for tech jobs)
  4. In-person interview (with several rounds)
  5. Final Interview (called the Loop)

Amazon Leadership Principles

Amazon’s interviews place a strong emphasis on its 16 Leadership Principles. These principles guide every choice and action within the company. Some key principles include Customer Obsession, Ownership, Invent and Simplify, and Deliver Results. Make sure you’re ready to show how you’ve put these principles into practice in your past experiences.

Top 10 Amazon Job Interview Questions with Sample Answers

Our analysis shows these are the ten questions you’re most likely to hear in Amazon job interviews, along with sample answers:

  1. Tell me about a time you failed and what you learned from it.
    • Why it’s asked: Amazon thinks of learning from mistakes and taking ownership.
    • Sample Answer: “In my last job, I had to launch a new marketing campaign, but I didn’t allow enough time to research the market. Because of this, we didn’t launch on time. I took full blame, looked at what went wrong, and put in place a more thorough planning process. This taught me how important good research and realistic schedules are. Now, I use this knowledge in all my projects to make sure we finish on time.”
  2. Give an example of a time you showed leadership.
  • Why it’s asked: Leadership at Amazon means more than just managing people; it has an impact on taking initiative and achieving results.
    • Sample Answer: “Our team faced a tough situation during a key project where we had conflicting priorities. I took charge by setting up a meeting to get our goals back on track and create a clear plan of action. I assigned tasks based on what each team member did best and kept a close eye on our progress. This way of doing things helped us finish the project and boosted team spirit a lot.”
  1. Tell us about a time when you didn’t agree with a coworker. How did you sort it out?
    • Why it’s asked: Amazon wants to see how you handle disagreements and talk to others.
  • Sample Answer: “I once didn’t see eye to eye with a coworker about where a project should go. I suggested we sit down one-on-one to share our thoughts. We looked at the numbers to weigh our options and settled on a mix of both our ideas. This fix didn’t just sort out our disagreement – it made the project turn out even better.”
  1. How do you decide what to do first when you’ve got several deadlines coming up?
    • Why it’s asked: This question checks how well you manage your time and set priorities.
  • Sample Answer: “When I’m dealing with several due dates, I start by making a list of all jobs and when they’re due. Then I think about how important each job is and how soon it needs to be done. I tackle the big urgent jobs first, but I also set aside time for the less pressing ones. I use tools like project planning software to keep an eye on how things are going and change what’s most important if I need to.”
  1. Tell me about a time you came up with a new idea for a project.
    • Why it’s asked: New ideas are crucial at Amazon, and they’re looking for people who can solve problems in creative ways.
  • Sample Answer: “In a past project, I saw our reporting process was slow and took too much time. I suggested we build an automated dashboard to make data gathering and analysis easier. By using new tools and tech, we cut reporting time in half and gave more precise insights to help make decisions.”
  1. What do you do when a project falls behind schedule?
    • Why it’s asked: Amazon wants to see your problem-solving and crisis-management skills.
  • Sample Answer: “A project started falling behind schedule. I first found the main reasons for the delays. Then I changed the project timeline and moved resources to tackle key tasks. I set up daily check-ins to keep an eye on progress and fixed any new problems. In the end, we delivered the project with just a small delay.”
  1. Tell me about a time you had to handle a tough customer.
    • Why it’s asked: Customer focus is a key principle, and dealing with tricky situations is part of that.
  • Sample Answer: “A customer once wasn’t happy with how our product worked. I listened to what was bothering them and promised to fix the problem. I worked with our tech team to solve the issue and checked back with the customer to make sure they were happy. The customer liked how we handled things and became a big fan of our brand.”
  1. Tell me about a time you had to learn something to complete a project.
    • Why it’s asked: Amazon thinks of ongoing learning and being able to adapt.
  • Sample Answer: “In one of my past jobs, I had to work on a project that needed me to know a new software tool I hadn’t used before. I spent extra time watching online lessons and asked for help from coworkers who knew the tool well. I got good at using it fast and led the project, which made me better at learning new tech.”
  1. Tell me about a time you took a risk after thinking it through.
    • Why it’s asked: This question checks how well you weigh risks and make choices.
  • Sample Answer: “I decided to take a chance with a new marketing plan that needed a lot more money. I did a ton of market research and made a detailed breakdown of costs and benefits. When I showed the numbers to the big shots, they gave it the green light. In the end, sales went up by 30% proving that the gamble paid off.”
  1. How do you make sure your work is accurate?
    • Why it’s asked: Being careful about details matters at Amazon.
  • Sample Answer: “I use several ways to make sure my work is correct. I double-check everything I do, use checklists, and ask others to look at my work. For big jobs, I split them into smaller parts and reviewed each one. I also take time at the end to look over everything one last time. This helps me catch any mistakes before I turn in my work.”

Visit: Amazon Careers

Preparation Tips

  1. Look into the Company: Get to know Amazon’s business approach latest updates, and what they sell.
  2. Go over the Leadership Principles: Be set to talk about how you show these principles in action.
  3. Practice Interviews: Team up with a buddy or try online tools to get a feel for the real thing.
  4. STAR Approach: Build your answers using the Situation, Task, Action, and Result format.
  5. Have Questions Ready: Come up with smart things to ask your interviewers about the job and company.


Getting ready for a job interview at Amazon can feel overwhelming, but you can boost your chances of success if you take the right steps. Make sure to show how you match up with Amazon’s Leadership Principles by giving real-life examples. Also, get used to answering typical interview questions using the STAR method. Best of luck!

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